Unlocking the power of the new European cloud and data ecosystem
Dynamo is the catalyst for collaboration, trust, and innovation among European Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), paving the way for a resilient and competitive European digital economy.
Unlocking the power of the new European cloud and data ecosystem
Dynamo is the catalyst for collaboration, trust, and innovation among European Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), paving the way for a resilient and competitive European digital economy.
Protect and leverage data to enhance European tech leadership
The thriving data economy calls for protecting and leveraging critical data. This is not just an option - it's a strategic imperative for European actors, businesses and governments, to again propel European tech leadership and new markets.
What is Dynamo
European cloud solutions pioneer, empowering businesses with decentralized services

Catalyst for European cloud collaboration and innovation
Dynamo stands as the premier catalyst for collaboration, trust, business and innovation among European Cloud and Data Service Providers.

Advanced platform for cloud and data service solutions
Dynamo is built on a technologically advanced platform offering service and solution composability within a federated marketplace and innovative catalogs.

European digital marketplace fostering collaboration and innovation
Dynamo is not yet another project promising collaboration, innovation and growth: it’s a true marketplace and business-driven ecosystem.

Building a robust and sovereign European digital economy
Dynamo is forging the foundation for a resilient, competitive, and sovereign European digital economy towards a long-term success of all European players.
Dynamo for providers
Scale and Sell
You are an European Cloud, Data, or Digital Service provider, then join Dynamo to:
- Enrich your service portfolio offering with the most innovative technologies among European tech players
- Reach the critical mass and geographical presence to compete with hyperscalers and outperform
- Build on an innovative sales channel and leverage the partner ecosystem
- Be certified and trusted
- Have an active role in shaping the common European API standard for future cloud services
Dynamo for end-users
Discover and Trust
You are an enterprise or a public body, then chose Dynamo to:
- Access innovative services catalogs not existing elsewhere to stay at the forefront
- Protect your core services and data under the umbrella of the EU regulation
- Avoid the risks and the costs of locked-in and hyper-centralized cloud solutions
- Move your core applications and data to a standardized and trusted ecosystem under your direct control
- Secure your past investments by integrating with new solutions
Partners supporting and endorsing Dynamo

Frequently asked questions
Quick answers to questions you may have about Dynamo
The federated cloud model represents the most viable path to building a robust European cloud ecosystem. It enables local Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) to
- combine their strengths and service offerings to achieve the scale needed to compete effectively,
- maintain their unique market identities and close customer relationships,
- share resources and capabilities to fill gaps in individual service portfolios,
- create a strong, unified European alternative to global hyperscale providers while preserving local market expertise and presence.
This model allows European providers, in contrast to what hyperscalers are offering, to leverage their collective capabilities while retaining their independence, ultimately fostering digital sovereignty and ensuring European businesses to get access to comprehensive cloud solutions that respect and address local needs.
No individual European company can offer today the portfolio of services, capacity, and territory coverage to equal any hyperscaler, but the federation of them could – and even make a jump ahead toward uniqueness, excellency and innovation. So, the goal is not to simply grow capacity through aggregation, but to implement a completely different model of services to become distributed, decentralized, interoperable, and trustworthy. Dynamo offers exactly this with its platform and marketplace.
Joining Dynamo, you can remain totally independent whilst continuing to sell your offering to your market, but in a much wider and compelling way. Through Dynamo, you have the opportunity to increase sales, reach new territories, sell solutions and offerings you don’t own today, retain your customers thanks to an enriched portfolio, win new customers via additional visibility, find innovative solutions from other providers that you weren’t aware of so far and reduce significantly costs and risks to meet EU compliance to regulations. All this at no cost of integration.
No, Dynamo is a marketplace restricted to Cloud Service Providers offerings and does not sell directly to the market. The Dynamo platform rules and automates the relationship between multiple Providers to allow them to resell each other’s solutions of a combination of them to their end customers. Of course, you can buy from any provider (the so-called Dynamo Participants) active on the Dynamo Marketplace. And you can become part of the Dynamo ecosystem, a vivid community around clouds.
No, but you can collaborate with any of the Dynamo Participants to resell their services to your end-customers. Dynamo helps its Participants enriching their catalogues to be more relevant and visible, and simplifies dealing with European Providers to offer more services from their individual point of sales. You are allowed and invited to add your integration and consulting services on top of a broader portfolio of selected and qualified European solutions.
No, Dynamo is restricted to the ecosystem of European Cloud Service providers. Its value proposition to the market is based on a pre-qualification of participants and the aggregation of dispersed and often unknown European providers of solutions that can find, through Dynamo, a one-stop-place and be re-sold by other participants through a broader set of opportunities and territories.
Yes, if you fulfill a transparent set of participation requirements, the EU legal entity being one of them. Additionally, you must have your controlling enterprise in the EU to the level to be immune from non-EU jurisdictions conflicting with the EU digital regulations (e.g., the U.S. CLOUD Act vs. the EU GDPR), you must offer your own and run these services from within the EU territory, and not resell non-EU based services. The list of participation requirements is available for anyone interested in joining the Dynamo ecosystem.
No, you cannot lose market through Dynamo. This is because you continue to retain and reinforce your relationships with existing customers together with your activities through Dynamo in such a way that you will realize additional revenues. You can look at the Dynamo Participants as a professional and structured network of re-sellers, not direct competitors, and benefit from being exposed to new markets and new customers through those that used to be pure competitors, and now are coopetitors, or even collaboration partners.
End customers can be fully confident in receiving services from a provider different from their reselling supplier through Dynamo’s robust framework. All Dynamo Participants operate under a common Master Service Agreement (MSA) and follow Minimum Standard Requirements (MSR) based on European standards and industry best practices, establishing a reliable service baseline.
The business model maintains simplicity: end customers continue their commercial relationship with their chosen reseller who manages all business aspects through their established terms and conditions, while the vendor provides the actual service and direct support under its own terms and conditions. This arrangement ensures customer benefits from both their trusted reseller relationship and the vendor’s specialized expertise.
It will be the Provider (Vendor) of the service, according to the Dynamo MSA (Master Services Agreement). The MSA rules, together with the liabilities (like in any consortia partnership agreement), define the reseller’s responsibility towards the end customer for the purchase and sale of products/services.
Not really. The project “DOME” (which stands for Distributed Open Market for Europe) aims to create a common open marketplace for European-based cloud services. It is realized in a way that a web portal allows browsing a directory of services described in a common catalog. DOME does indeed provide a one-stop-place for browsing services, but does not provide buying or provisioning them, nor does it offer the opportunity to create a best-of-breed solution. This means that for each service you want to buy you must go to each individual provider to buy the service based on an individual contract.
Both do work together, but are profoundly different. Dynamo is a private entity aiming to create a commercial federation of EU-only CSP, whilst Gaia-X is a non-for-profit foundation grouping users and providers of technology to define a common open standard for trust and to support the EU data economy in the creation of common data spaces. Dynamo, as a federation, however, acts as a common driver of both, is a key player in the realization of common data spaces promoted by Gaia-X, and the implementation and operations of a common cloud space promoted by Dynamo. Thus, Dynamo addresses the lower part of the ‘X’ of Gaia-X, so the part related to the cloud services necessary to run data spaces.
This is no problem at all. While Dynamo foresees indeed the reduction of overburden from complexity and cost of showing compliance and trust, a fully guided approach allows the provider to go through compliance approvals. The way, Dynamo does this is through an automated step-by-step verification process of service credentials. Every Participant is instructed in the most intuitive way how to describe the service he wants to publish. The trust engine of Dynamo takes care of projecting the Participant in the Gaia-X ecosystem, if not already part of it. It provides the Participant with a legally binding digital identity (eIDAS) if still required, and guides him through the process of Onboarding with the help of an automated engine. This engine checks and verifies each service credential against the Gaia-X compliance verification rules using a qualified Gaia-X Digital Clearing House (GXDCH).
Data spaces allow data from across the EU to be made available and exchanged in a trustworthy and secure manner. But who takes care of the platforms that shall run European data spaces? Building successfully data spaces and creating a sustainable economy on top of data is only feasible when having in control the platforms that handle them. Europe, so far, has not been good in developing cloud spaces and cloud federations. While Europe needs to act immediately and protect the physical infrastructure, Dynamo supports the creation and the operations of ‘common dataspaces’, also, but not only, by enabling ‘common cloud spaces’.
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