BlogpostDynamo Cloud Business Forum – A Great Success

Dynamo’s first Cloud Business Forum brought together 100 top voices and gamechangers from all over Europe

The inaugural Dynamo Cloud Business Forum (#DCBF) took place this year at the breathtaking Hotel Gallia in Milan, Italy, on March 5-6, gathering 100 selected guests from industry, public admin, academia and expert fields, all united in their commitment to supporting a EuroStack.

Published Mar 6, 2025

The inaugural Dynamo Cloud Business Forum (#DCBF) took place this year at the breathtaking Hotel Gallia in Milan, Italy, on March 5-6, gathering 100 carefully selected guests to join hands for the EuroStack.

This exclusive, invitation-only event provided a rare opportunity to engage with leading figures from the data economy, bringing together top executives from both the business and cloud provider sectors, as well as representatives from institutions, economists, journalists, and experts from across Europe.

We are incredibly proud to have fulfilled our primary goal: uniting brilliant minds and influential voices from all corners of Europe in person. It was a powerful reminder of the importance of human connections, where participants could set aside individual agendas and focus on collective objectives, fostering collaboration and turning insights into impactful action.

Let us highlight some key developments that we believe will drive further action and help shape a new, dynamic cloud market community for Europe:

  • A massive presence of executives and experts alike—ranging from providers and users to institutions and public administration—everyone with an active and influential role throughout the Forum.
  • The Forum featured three Dynamo Insight Stations (Business, Onboarding, Platform), four inspiring keynote speakers (Andrew Spannaus, Uljan Sharka, Dario Maisto, Markus Noga), six action-driven panel discussions, six OPENdesk Working Groups, 50+ speakers and moderators, and many festive moments, including the celebration of three birthdays: Markus Noga, Sebastiano Toffaletti, and Dynamo itself, which turned ‘one’!
  • We celebrated the dispatch of the joint press release by IONOS, Aruba and Dynamo for a digitally independent Europe, announcing that major European cloud providers are joining forces to define the new open API standard paving the way for a EuroStack and a truly sovereign European cloud infrastructure: SECA, the Sovereign European Cloud API.
    Representatives of all companies also introduced SECA on stage as the best-in-class industry standard, a new Application Programming Interface (API) specification for Cloud Infrastructure Management.
    It was widely covered by the European press on the same day.
  • The Creation Wall, titled ‘Wall of Challenges and Perspectives – Creating a new Tomorrow’, was a successful activity throughout the Forum days. It allowed all particpants to use the provided ‘Challenge Cards’ to share their personal action ideas and expectaions from a different perspectives: Providers, Users, and Institutions.
    These voices will also be incorporated into the Manifesto supporting the EuroStack on which forum participants had and have the chance to work on.
  • Francesco Bonfiglio’s speech about “Dynamo going live!” also showcased Dynamo’s mission to create a One-Stop-Place for all European Cloud Service Providers, to land and expand their business by leveraging on a common pool of shared resources, interoperating in a seamless way, co-operating commercially for the common good, and thus creating a much-needed European Cloud alternative for all users.
  • Last but not least, the evening program was dedicated to networking and unforgettable entertainment. We followed in the footsteps of Leonardo da Vinci, visiting the Cenacolo and the Basilica Santa Maria delle Grazie, and concluded with a Gala Dinner at the historic, liberty-styled Residenza Vignale.

Francesco Bonfiglio, CEO at Dynamo said that Without the in-person participation of all our guests and their genuine willingness for change, this Forum would not have achieved the success it did. Even more, the arguments and ideas of all our panelists on stage were extremely inspiring and sparked insightful discussions that were at the core of the event success. What can I say! We are honored for their invaluable contributions, but most importantly for accepting to put their face and words – together with ours – in front of Europe.

Now, it’s time for action:

We will now transform these ideas into action by creating a Manifesto that advocates for the revitalization and growth of the European Cloud Business through the development of a true EuroStack ( ).

It doesn’t stop here. We want the DCBF to become a recurring and highly anticipated European appointment, setting a new standard for future gatherings. With that in mind, we are already starting to plan for the next edition. As we greatly value the collaboration and support of all organizations, including universities and public administration, reach out to us should you be interested to join this growing community and ecosystem.

Next milestones include:

  • A draft of the Manifesto will be shared with the forum participants: by end of March 2025.
  • Dynamo will seek for further statements, quotes, and signatories: by mid April.
  • The Manifesto publication will be between mid and end of April.

A follow up call will be scheduled online in Q2 to share the state of play, new outcomes, but also to gather further ideas and expectations for the next edition of the DCBF 2026!

In the meantime, we will be showcasing the incredible work done and giving due recognition to all for their support.

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